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윈도우7 usb설치드라이브 오류



윈도우7 설치를하려고, 위에 싸이트에서 sub설치 툴이랑, ISO 다운받아서, 설치하려고 했는데, 아래와 같은 오류가 발생했다...


files copies successfully. however, we were unable to run bootsect to make the USB device bootable. if you need assistance with bootsect. please click the "online Help" link above for more information.

파일 복사는 성공했는데, 부팅섹터를 실행할수없덴다... 위에 온라인 핼프를 눌러서 정보를확인하랜다...

누르면 맨위에 싸이트가 또뜬다... 장난치는건지... 들어가면, 밑에 설명이 오류에 관한 내용이다.

When creating a bootable USB device, I am getting an error about bootsect

To make the USB drive bootable, you need to run a tool named bootsect.exe. In some cases, this tool needs to be downloaded from your Microsoft Store account. This may happen if you're trying to create a 64-bit bootable USB device from a 32-bit version of Windows. To download bootsect:

1. Login to your Microsoft Store account to view your purchase history.

2. Look for your Windows purchase.

3. Next to Windows, there is an Additional download options drop-down menu.

4. In the drop-down menu, select 32-bit ISO.

5. Right-click the link, and then save the bootsect.exe file to the location where you installed the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool (e.g. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\Windows USB DVD Download Tool).

6. Once the file has been saved, go back to the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool to create your bootable USB device.

usb 부팅 드라이브를 설치하는도중 부팅섹터 에러가 발생살때.. 어찌하라고 나온건데, 윈도우스톨 로그인해서, 구매 기록확인후, 부팅색터파일은 다운받으랜다... 부팅섹터파일은 첨부해놨으니 다운받은후, usb 윈도우 설치 툴이 깔린 폴더안에 넣으면됀다.
